Considering trying a float but looking for a few pointers before you slip into the salty goodness for the first time? We read your mind! If you’re new to this whole sensory deprivation thing, have we got the list for you! Here are our top do’s and don’ts for making the most of your first float experience.
To ensure a safe and fulfilling float experience, it's important to follow certain guidelines. Here are the key do's of floating:
Showering before the Float
Taking a thorough shower before entering the sensory deprivation tank helps remove oils, lotions, and any external contaminants from your body. This ensures that the water in the tank remains clean and sanitary throughout your session.
Using Earplugs and a Neck Support
Not a fan of that tickly ear feeling when water gets into your ear? Wearing earplugs can prevent that and help maintain a comfortable, tickly-ear-free experience. Additionally, using a neck support or floatation pillow will keep your head a bit higher out of the water which might help you relax a bit more.
Practicing Mindfulness and Deep Breathing
Floating + meditation = the perfect combo! While inside the tank, take the opportunity to practice mindfulness and deep breathing techniques. This can help calm the mind, reduce anxiety, and deepen your state of relaxation. Focus on your breath and let go of any tension or thoughts that arise.
Experimenting with Different Positions
There’s no one right way to float - you do you! Feel free to explore different body positions during your float session. Some individuals find it most comfortable to float with their arms at their sides, while others prefer to place them above their heads. Find the position that allows you to fully relax and enjoy the weightless sensation.
In order to experience an optimal float, it's important to be aware of the things you should avoid while floating. Here are the key don'ts of floating:
Shaving or Waxing Right Before the Float
If you’ve ever shaved right before you go into the ocean, you already know this one. it's best to avoid shaving or waxing immediately before your float session. Freshly shaved or waxed skin can be sensitive, and the high salt content in the tank water may cause discomfort or stinging sensations. Ideally, make sure it’s been at least 24 hours since your last shave / wax.
Consuming Caffeine or Heavy Meals
One of the main benefits of floating is a stunning level of relaxation, so coming in caffeinated or overly full isn’t ideal. To fully relax and achieve a deep meditative state, it's advisable to avoid consuming caffeine or heavy meals before floating. These can interfere with the calming effects of floating and may cause discomfort during the session. Opt for light, nourishing snacks if needed.
Wearing Contact Lenses
Getting the super salty water in your eyes during a float isn’t amazing; getting the super salty water in your eyes while wearing contracts is even less amazing. For the comfort of your eyes as well as for the safety of your contacts, it's generally recommended to remove contact lenses before entering the sensory deprivation tank.
Bringing Personal Electronics into the Tank
To fully disconnect from external stimuli, it's important to leave personal electronics outside the float tank. This includes smartphones, tablets, and any other devices that emit light or sound. This is the time for you to immerse yourself in your thoughts and to turn inward; embrace the opportunity to disconnect and enjoy uninterrupted solitude.
We hope this list of do's and don'ts has equipped you with the insights you need to step confidently into your first floatation therapy session. Remember, this therapy isn't just about floating, it's about setting yourself adrift and losing yourself to relaxation so that you emerge rejuvenated. At FLOAT, we’d love to become your haven from the hustle of the outside world. Visit FLOAT San Antonio today and gift yourself the unparalleled experience of weightless calm and mindful rejuvenation. Let the journey to inner peace commence.
Open 7 Days a week, 10am - 8pm
Phone: 210-562-3310
4535 Fredericksburg Rd #201,
San Antonio, TX 78201