Beyond Floating: Unveiling the Power of Darkness
Stepping away from the familiar tranquility of our beloved float tanks, today we’ll survey another intriguing realm of sensory exploration. Imagine a therapy that, like floatation therapy, employs silence and solitude, but rather than the gentle touch of water, uses the enveloping cloak of total darkness to create a deeply introspective journey. A therapy that, instead of lasting 60-90 minutes like a typical float session, lasts for 3-7 days or
more. Intrigued? Welcome to the immersive world of Darkness Therapy!
Helping to guide us through this intriguing world is Dr. Marek Maluš, an expert in Darkness
Therapy doing his work and research out of the Czech Republic. Marek shared the history of
Darkness Therapy, along with some of his insights and experimental results, in his 2015 Float
Conference talk, and returned again for another conference talk in 2021 to elaborate and
update us on his findings. Let’s step out of the light for a moment and immerse ourselves in the
soothing realm of the unseen as we explore the genesis, evolution, and surprising benefits of
Darkness Therapy.